Do you feel self-conscious about your smile because of dental problems? Do you have trouble speaking or chewing properly? Should that be the case, you might require orthodontic care. Top orthodontists in Houston, TX, from Unident Family Dentistry, are available to assist you. We can improve your dental health and change the appearance of your teeth using cutting-edge methods and knowledge.

Who are orthodontists?

A dentist with training focused on the identification, management, and prevention of abnormalities involving the jaw and teeth is known as an orthodontist. One of their training objectives is to rectify these current circumstances. Additionally, they can recognize possible issues with tooth alignment that could arise from untreated disorders. People of various ages can benefit from orthodontic care.

When is Orthodontic Treatment Needed?

One of the common questions people ask is – “How do I know if I need orthodontics?

Crooked or Misaligned Teeth: Maybe some of your teeth are misaligned, which affects how your smile looks overall. It may be more difficult for you to properly clean and floss if your teeth are crooked. As a result, you may be more susceptible to tooth decay and plaque.

Your teeth may appear crooked if there is a gap in your grin because the neighboring teeth may tilt toward the gap. A dental implant combined with orthodontic therapy can solve the issue!

Another question people ask is – “Which circumstances indicate the need for orthodontic treatment?

Overbite or Underbite: If the back and front rows of your teeth overlap, you probably have an overbite or underbite. See your local orthodontist as soon as possible if this issue sounds familiar to you. Otherwise, if you put off starting treatment, the issue can worsen.

Crossbite or Open Bite: A crossbite is a sign that the teeth on each side do not meet correctly. Asymmetric jaw growth may eventually develop if you wait to start treatment.

Another question people ask is – “When do you need orthodontic treatment?

You may start to notice faster wear on your teeth. Your teeth may become susceptible to decay if the protective layer of enamel wears away.

See your neighborhood orthodontist about getting braces if you believe you have a crossbite. They can correct your teeth before any issues arise. Other than that, common complications include TMJ disorder, which, if you don’t get therapy, may need surgery.

Signs You Need Orthodontic Treatment –

Difficulty Chewing or Biting: If you have a chewing or biting problem then you are probably an orthodontic patient. To find out if you have an alignment problem, we can assist in doing an extensive assessment. Based on your needs, we can then assist you in choosing the best course of action for your care.

Speech Problems: You may find that certain words are difficult to speak due to an alignment problem. You may find it difficult to communicate, which can lead to problems with self-worth. Speak with an orthodontist if you observe any changes in your speech.

Chronic Jaw Pain: A misaligned bite frequently results in headaches and jaw pain. Your jaw can easily fall out of position if it is not fitting together properly, which can cause tension as you sleep. TMJ issue is another ailment that can cause jaw pain. The temporomandibular joint (TMJ), which functions as a sliding hinge to unite your jawbone to your skull, is the source of temporomandibular joint disease, or TMJ.

Orthodontic Options At Unident Family Dentistry

Traditional Braces: For good reason, traditional braces have been used for many years. From simple misalignments to intricate malocclusions, they are adaptable and incredibly successful in addressing a variety of dental conditions. With braces, each tooth has a metal bracket affixed to it. To make sure your treatment goes according to plan, you need to be adjusted regularly at our office.

Call Unident Family Dentistry Orthodontics Today!

Avoid allowing these orthodontic problems to worsen the effects they already have on your dental health. Visit your nearby Unident Family Dentistry orthodontist instead to talk about your alternatives for orthodontic treatment. Starting treatment as soon as possible will help you prevent further issues.

Dental fillings have undergone significant material and implantation technique evolution throughout the years. Natural-looking Houston Composite Fillings blend in with the surrounding tooth’s color and structure and are now the most popular choice. Continue reading to find out why tooth-colored fillings have so many benefits over outdated silver amalgam fillings.

What are Composite Fillings?

Modern tooth-colored or composite fillings, in contrast to metal amalgam fillings of the past, are made of strong plastic resin compounds. These incorporate finely ground ceramic-like particles to replicate the structure and function of natural teeth.

Benefits of Composite Fillings

Aesthetic Appeal: Resin-based composite materials are blended to match the surrounding tooth color and tint, so when you smile, the dark, ugly “silver” fillings are hidden.

Affordable: Although prices differ between practitioners, it indicates that composite fillings only cost 10–30% more than amalgam. For many, the small additional expense is justified given the visual impact.

Fast Placement: Resin fillings bonded directly into the tooth preparation solidify in a matter of seconds when activated by a curing light. The average appointment lasts only thirty minutes.

Safe Material: Bonded composite resins provide a reduced long-term risk of temperature sensitivity or cracks in neighboring teeth, in contrast to metals that expand and contract with time, stressing tooth structure.

Long Lasting: Houston Composite fillings typically last 7 to 10 years on average when placed correctly. Composites may even far surpass early expectations with proper dental care.

The Process of Getting a Dental Filling

Administer painless needle-free anesthesia: Making sure the tooth and surrounding area are pain-free throughout treatment is the first step in the filling operation. Most dentists now employ a topical numbing gel that is administered directly to the afflicted area and takes effect fast. This non-needle anesthetic effectively numbs nerves under the surface by penetrating the tiny tubules within dental enamel.

Remove decay: After the patient is completely unconscious, the dentist gently removes only the affected dentin and enamel using a tiny dental drill with a smooth bit to reach the decaying inner tooth structure.

Place filling material: After the decay is removed, a newly hollowed chamber is left behind, which gives room to replace the decay with new filling material. Dentists paint tiny layers of resin on top of one another to fill in the hollow area in today’s widely utilized tooth-colored composite resin fillings.

Refine shape: To perfectly blend the filling with the surrounding natural tooth anatomy, the cured resin must be skillfully sculpted and polished in the final step. For maximum comfort, excellent bonding between inner tooth surfaces and composite resin fillings eliminates edges. The final polish and shaping are perfected to resemble the original enamel’s sheen and smoothness.

Does the cavity-filling procedure hurt?

Although each person has a different threshold for pain, most dental filling patients experience little to no discomfort because of the use of sophisticated numbing agents. Any sensitivity felt is usually very slight and transient. Composite resin dental fillings can be inserted easily and painlessly by first numbing the tooth.


In comparison to conventional amalgam fillings, resin fillings preserve more of the native tooth structure. They are also more aesthetically pleasing and easy for dentists to place. The future risk of cracks in teeth that are susceptible to damage is also decreased by their bonded qualities and tolerance to temperature fluctuations. Patients adore the safe, long-lasting, and visually pleasing filling results that tooth-colored composite resin provides for reasonably priced, less intrusive smile repairs. Contact Unident Family Dentistry in Houston, TX, for more information.

Retainers are essential to maintaining the straightness of your teeth after spending time and money on braces or Invisalign. Retainers should be worn all the time as prescribed to stop teeth from moving back into their original locations. However, maintaining fresh and odor-free retainers also calls for some effort. For the longest-lasting orthodontic retainers, adhere to these helpful cleaning and maintenance guidelines.

What are Orthodontic Retainers?

Retainers are specialized devices that are precisely shaped to fit your mouth. They are often constructed of plastic and metal wires. Once aligners or braces have finished realigning teeth, they maintain those positions by gently pressing on the tooth’s surfaces. With retainers, patients can long-term preserve their newly restored smiles.

Tips on How to Keep Your Orthodontic Retainer Clean & Fresh –

One of the common questions people ask is – “How do you keep retainers clean and fresh?” or “How do you take care of an orthodontic retainer?

  1. Clean your retainer regularly: Retainer tablets should be dissolved in water once a day to clean them. To get rid of waste and eliminate bacteria, soak for five to ten minutes. Then, use a dedicated toothbrush to gently scrub. Give it a good rinse.
  2. Avoid too hot water: The heat can distort your custom retainer’s shape-sensitive plastics, causing them to shift and become misaligned once cooled. When cleaning retainers, only use lukewarm water.
  3. Soak only as long as required: Even though most retainer cleansers are effective in 5 to 10 minutes at most, you shouldn’t leave retainers in the water for an extended period to avoid potentially harming the bonding components.
  4. Store your retainer in its case: Keep it in a case when retainers are not in use. They should be kept in protective cases to keep them safe from pets, bending, and accidental drops that could shatter them.
  5. Replace as needed: Retainers lose their ability to precisely preserve tooth alignment with regular wear. Every year, or even more frequently for teenagers, the majority of orthodontists advise getting new ones.
  6. Be mindful to remove it when eating: When wearing retainers, never snack or drink soda or juice. Always take them out for meals. The carbohydrates and oral bacteria combine to quickly produce smells, enamel deterioration, and plaque.
  7. Schedule regular dental appointments: Regularly check the fit and condition of your retainers by seeing your orthodontist near you in Westchase, TX. Three to four annual checkups are usually sufficient to ensure that retainers are not worn or that teeth have not moved as a result of lost retainer time.

How Long Must Orthodontic Patients Wear Retainers?

The majority of orthodontists advise wearing retainers overnight while you sleep for the next several months after getting braces, and sometimes even for years. Wearing braces consistently over time keeps the time, money, and agony you’ve spent straightening your teeth from being undone. Modern orthodontic methods are essential to maintain better smiles for life.

What is the cost of an Orthodontic Retainer?

Retainer typically costs a few dollars. Pricing is affected by things like the materials they choose and how difficult it is to comfortably suit your current biting position. Even though they are necessary to ensure successful orthodontic results, replacement retainers can get expensive over time. Take careful precautions and follow the care instructions to extend their lifespan and durability.


A smile devoid of stink and fresh breath begins with maintaining utmost cleanliness for dental equipment such as retainers. Long-term orthodontic treatment success is preserved by adhering to specified retainer cleaning and care guidelines. You can confidently use retainers without concern if you maintain them consistently every day and get regular dental checkups at Unident Family Dentistry in Westchase, TX, and protective storage in addition.

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