Dental Implants

The process of getting dental implants involves multiple surgeries spread out over several months. You must be ready because some of the visits involve oral surgery. Taking a few simple precautions can help your body get ready for the treatments, and other steps will aid your recovery from oral surgery. Here are the steps you must take to ensure the success of your dental implants in Westchase, Texas.

How do you get ready for dental implants?

Several specialists may be involved in the planning process for dental implants, including an ENT specialist and an oral and maxillofacial surgeon who specializes in conditions of the mouth, jaw, and face. A periodontist treats the structures that support the teeth, such as the gums and bones, while a prosthodontist creates and places artificial teeth.

You must undergo a complete evaluation of dental implants in Westchase, Texas, to be ready for the operation because dental implants need one or more surgical procedures. It includes a:

  • Thorough dental examination – Dental X-rays, 3D photographs, and models of your teeth and jaw may be created.
  • Review Your Medical Background – Any medical issues with prescription, OTC, and dietary supplements should be discussed with your doctor. Your doctor might advise taking antibiotics before surgery to help avoid infection if you have cardiac issues or orthopedic implants.
  • Plan of Treatment – This plan is customized for your needs, like how many teeth you need to replace and the health of your jawbone and remaining teeth.

What To Anticipate

Dental Implants surgery in Westchase, Texas, conducts a series of outpatient treatments in between recovery time. There are several steps involved in installing a dental implant, including:

  • Removing a damaged tooth
  • If necessary, jawbone grafting preparation
  • Installing dental implants
  • Bone development and repair
  • Location of abutments
  • Positioning of artificial teeth

From beginning to end, the process may take many months. The majority of the period is spent recuperating and watching for the development of new bone in your jaw. Some steps can occasionally be combined, depending on your circumstances, the exact method, or the materials employed.

Placing A Dental Implant

Your oral surgeon makes a cut to open your gum and expose the bone during the procedure to insert the dental implant. When the metal post for the dental implant is inserted, holes are drilled into the bone. The post is placed deeply into the bone because it acts as the tooth root. Your tooth-shaped gap will still be present at this time. If necessary, a temporary partial denture might be inserted. This denture is removable for cleaning purposes and while you sleep.

Plan Time For Relaxation And Get Ready For After-Care

Dental Implants in Westchase, Texas, can improve your quality of life by regaining your smile’s confidence and comfort when you are eating. In the vast majority of patients, a tooth implant is a wise investment in your long-term dental health because adverse effects are infrequently documented. Contact Unident Family Dentistry in Houston, TX, for more information.

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